Denise McDonald Dorman

Archive for July, 2009|Monthly archive page

At San Diego Comic-Con Transformers Anthem Singer Stan Bush Has “The Touch”

In Uncategorized on July 20, 2009 at 8:32 pm

Los Angeles, CA—July 20, 2009 – Transformers fans will hear their favorite Transformers anthem a.k.a. Shia LeBeouf’s “favorite song” at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con as “The Touch” singer and co-writer Stan Bush works the show from three separate locations to accommodate the fans.
“I love San Diego Comic-Con for the easy access to the fans. They’ve all been so supportive, and I want to be here to give back some of that positive energy,” Bush said during a recent recording session.
Bush will be signing autographs and selling product from three separate locations during San Diego Comic-Con. His schedule is as follows:

Location Time Days Booth #2517 1-3 pm Friday, Saturday

Slave Boy Films Booth #5242 3-7 pm Friday
10 am – 1 pm Saturday
2 pm – 5 pm Sunday

Stan Bush’s Booth # AA19 3 pm – 7 pm Saturday
11 am – 2 pm Sunday

Bush will have 8 x 10 autograph photos, CDs and T-shirts available for the fans to purchase at all three locations.
For more information or interview requests, please contact publicist Terri Hartman at 813.767.7915 or Denise Dorman at 630.845.4694. Denise Dorman will also be on site at San Diego Comic-Con, Booth #4401 for last-minute requests.


Praised as a world-class rock singer, Stan Bush is best known for his song “The Touch” featured in the Transformers Movie. An anthem for Transformers fans around the world, “The Touch” has just been released as a download for Guitar Hero WT on May 29, 2009! Stan was the featured performer at the Transformers convention (BOTCON 09) at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles. Also Hasbro has just released two new Transformers 2 ROTF toys featuring “The Touch”. “The Touch” is available on Stan’s latest album, “In This Life,” named ‘Album of the Year’ for 2007 (

Unbound Saga’s Creator on His New Game & Eating Pasta Salad with Steven Spielberg in the Hamptons

In Entertainment, Uncategorized, WriteBrain Media on July 5, 2009 at 4:35 pm

One of the hottest games to come out of this year’s Comic-Con will be “Unbound Saga.” WriteBrain Media interviewed The Devil’s Candy Store member Mike Kennedy on his new comic (through Dark Horse Comics) and videogame (through Vogster Entertainment).

Denise Dorman: Mike, can you tell us what this graphic novel and videogame are about?

Mike Kennedy: UNBOUND SAGA, the video game, is an old-school, arcade-style, side-scrolling brawler like Streets of Rage or Final Fight from back in the good old 16-bit days. In it, you play as RICK AJAX, a typical comic book tough guy wandering the streets of Toxopolis, a typical comic book dystopia. The thing is, Rick knows he’s a comic book character, and is fully aware of the fact that his daily life is dictated by the whims of “The Maker,” the mysterious, omniscient giant hand that constantly draws him into ridiculous adventure after ridiculous adventure. And after 30 years of this nonsense, he has had enough. So you take him on an twisted Wizard of Oz journey through 10 episodes of bizarre adventures and oddball enemies in an effort to meet The Maker and square off once and for all.

DD: I’m told it’s a lot of “insider” humor for those who really know the comic book industry?

MK: Yeah, it’s totally tongue-in-cheek, satirizing comics and video games equally. The fictional history is that “Unbound Saga”, the comic Rick inhabits, has been around since the 70’s, and has seen its fair share of reinventions over the years, from black and white indie status, to talking animal zoo-crew versions, to foil-covered Jim Lee variants and Manga versions… Now after 30 years, they are making yet another come back with a brand new reinvention from the fine folks at Dark Horse Comics and Vogster Entertainment, and hey –! Now they got a video game to boot!

DD: Are these the first pieces in a continuing series? Are there plans for the next book and game?

MK: We sure hope so! With 30 years of bogus history to these characters and this brand, there are a ton of misadventures to tell. While this initial launch will provide a fun gaming experience on the Sony PSP, and a fun first-issue comic to read, we’re hopeful that it will click with the market so we can keep playing with these action figures in the sandbox. There’s no end to the hijinx these characters can rustle up, be it in comic form, game form, cartoon form, shrinky-dink form, whatever…

DD: How does it feel to have a property that is completely your fingerprint?

MK: Well, in all fairness, it has taken a ton of talented people to get this thing where it’s at. There’s a whole team of brilliant programmers and artists behind the package, not to mention amazing voice actors and musicians, etc. Beyond the cutting edge code and dazzling graphics, I just made sure the game design fit a fun story and script. As producer, I was able to coach the team and, in many cases, select who’s on the team and what kind of contractors would best fit the brand. And we got some great talent attached to the title: Cliff Richards’s providing comic art, David Lodge bringing Rick’s voice to life, Jason Novak’s music setting the mood and tone… all of those things came together in complete harmony. As writer, I also made sure the script and storyline were as fun and colorful as possible. (And being both writer AND producer made it easier to drive all those pieces towards the same vision and goal…)

DD: How did you come up with the concept for “Unbound Saga”? Was it a single incident, or series of incidents that made you think of it? Do you recall where you were when you came up with the idea?

MK: The concept grew out of the tech demo the team had put together, with a bit of our love of comics thrown in to make it complete. The core game engine was in place, with some fun arcade-style brawling in place, but the characters and storyline came out of some outside-the-box brainstorming mixed with a heaping load of 4-color nostalgia. We came up with a half-dozen different concepts we could shoehorn into this solid brawling engine, and this self-aware comic-tough-guy concept just floated to the top of the list.

DD: Will we see your game and graphic novel at San Diego Comic-Con this year?

MK: Absolutely! The comic hits the shelves July 1st, released by the good guys at Dark Horse Comics, so we’ll be showcasing it at their booth in San Diego with banners, graphics, and most likely a couple of signings. The comic features some pretty heavy hitters in the biz, including Joseph Michael Linser and Leinil Yu, so we’re hoping to have them available for signings as well. The game is released July 16th on the PlayStation Network, so it will be brand-spankin’-new for the big show the week after. We’ll also have a number of exciting giveaways and presentations going on, although at the moment I’m not 100% sure what. (Note: Become a fan of the Unbound Saga Facebook page for news and updates!)

DD: What kinds of collectibles can the fans look forward to?

MK: In addition to the comic, we’re producing a GORGEOUS collectable statuette of the two main characters, RICK AJAX and LORI MACHETE. Coldcast polystone, handpainted, they’re NICE. The limited run is initially being considered for sales incentives, contest giveaways, and collectability. We should have them on display at San Diego as well (or check the Facebook page for more info).

DD: Aside from “Unbound Saga,” do you have any other books coming out?

MK: Unbound Saga has taken a pretty good chunk of mindshare this past year, but I’m turning attention to a couple of other projects that went dormant in the meantime. I’m hoping to do more Aliens vs Predator (negotiations in the works), as well as one or two personal projects that have been underway for a while. If all goes well, one or two of these should be on the shelves by 2010.

DD: When you’re not creating, what do you do for fun?

MK: You mean when I’m not ‘working’?  Probably playing video games. But frankly, for me, creating IS fun. If I can spend a Saturday working on a personal comic project, I’m a happy camper.

DD: Which other videogame properties have you worked on?

MK: The list goes back quite a ways… back before Playstation, before 3D GI, back before CD-ROM even! Some of the most recognizable titles (for game geeks and aficionados) would include MIGHT AND MAGIC, FLASHBACK, LEMMINGS, LODE RUNNER, ARMY MEN, DEAD TO RIGHTS, and most recently DEF JAM: ICON.

DD: What’s the craziest thing that has ever happened to you while producing a videogame?

MK: Ya know, directing voice talent has always been the most fun part of the job, and I’ve been privileged to work with some amazing names. But one memory I will take to my grave is eating pasta salad in Steven Spielberg’s kitchen at his home in the Hamptons after pitching him a video game idea. (He loved the pitch and greenlit the project, but the title was never released, sadly enough…) Yeah, those fleeting few hours make the other 99.9% of the hard work somehow worthwhile…

Hurting Small Businesses Can Win $25k Ad Campaign SUM Advertising’s SUMmer Stimulus Contest Offers Hope to Many

In Uncategorized, WriteBrain Media on July 2, 2009 at 8:15 pm

BOCA RATON, FL – July 2, 2009SUM Advertising feels it’s their patriotic duty to help hard-working Americans with small businesses do some advertising – the typical cut-back in a tight economy–so they’re launching the SUMmer Stimulus Contest to help one lucky U.S.-based company win a $25,000 customized marketing campaign. Applicants can simply apply online at
SUM Advertising’s $25,000 prize is tailored to help one small business winner increase leads and generate new sales. They are looking for an existing company with a sound business model and an innovative product or service that needs to be paired with an equally innovative advertising campaign. Applicants must be:

  • Independently owned and operated
  • In business for at least 2 years
  • Generating gross revenues of $1,000,000+ in 2008

SUM Advertising’s owner, Jocelyn Silverman, a serial entrepreneur under age 30 who has seen her share of bumps in the road, says, “We want to help the small businesses caught in the Catch-22 of budget cuts, and being unable to pay for advertising, the very thing they need right now the most.” She adds, “So many Americans have a fantastic U.S.-made product and they just need a little help getting themselves over the hump.”

In today’s economy, advertising is one of the first budget cuts any small business makes. Nielsen reports U.S. advertising is down 12% in Q1. Magazines and newspapers are half their normal size due to companies with waning advertising budgets. BusinessWeek reports big industry companies like Ford have scaled back their advertising by 31%.

The deadline for applying for the SUMmer Stimulus Contest is July 31, 2009 and the winner will be contacted and posted online August 31, 2009.

About SUM Advertising:
We harness creative ideas and strategies to develop results-based marketing campaigns that add value. Unlike a typical advertising agency, we like our clients to think of us as their most valuable marketing partner and trusted business advisor, since we are often willing to share the responsibility for risks, results and rewards.

Contact: Denise Dorman, Publicist
Phone: 630.845.4694
