Denise McDonald Dorman

Archive for June 12th, 2009|Daily archive page

Getting your Book on Kindle

In Uncategorized on June 12, 2009 at 2:59 pm

I was asked again today how to get a book on Kindle, so I am sharing this information with all of you – the original source was probably the Book Author Marketing Newsletter by Penny Sansevieri, or it could have been through Joan Stewart’s Publicity Hound newsletter, but I’m unsure since I’ve had the info for so long. I do want to mention them both, just in case. Okay, here’s the skinny:

Idea #1: Publishing Your e-Book on Kindle

Within 5 minutes of joining Amazon’s Digital Text Platform ( you can start self-publishing books that are priced any way you like, and they will automatically appear in Kindle’s online store.

To get started, visit In a simple, step-by-step process, Amazon explains how to upload your book in a variety of formats (html is preferred), then select a suggested list price. Amazon pays a 35% royalty on all sales.

For technical support, visit

Idea #2: Free Marketing Through

Shelfari gives authors their own FREE page called “Authors Unbound.” These pages use a “Wiki platform” so that anyone can come in and edit the page. Authors can write text, link to their blog, add videos, photos and their speaking schedule.

If you book is not listed on Shelfari already, please email Include the title, author, publisher, ISBN and cover photo, and they’ll add it to their site.

Email Shelfari’s community manager, Amanda Schaufler ( and ask her to link your Shelfari page to your member profile. That will make it easier for readers to contact you.
Idea #1: Publishing Your e-Book on Kindle

Within 5 minutes of joining Amazon’s Digital Text Platform ( you can start self-publishing books that are priced any way you like, and they will automatically appear in Kindle’s online store.

To get started, visit In a simple, step-by-step process, Amazon explains how to upload your book in a variety of formats (html is preferred), then select a suggested list price. Amazon pays a 35% royalty on all sales.

For technical support, visit

Idea #2: Free Marketing Through

Shelfari gives authors their own FREE page called “Authors Unbound.” These pages use a “Wiki platform” so that anyone can come in and edit the page. Authors can write text, link to their blog, add videos, photos and their speaking schedule.

If you book is not listed on Shelfari already, please email Include the title, author, publisher, ISBN and cover photo, and they’ll add it to their site.

Email Shelfari’s community manager, Amanda Schaufler ( and ask her to link your Shelfari page to your member profile. That will make it easier for readers to contact you.